When marketing a property for rent, the biggest concerns for most landlords are usually the amount of rent they can earn from the property and the speed they can get a tenant moved in. If the property appeals to the target tenant, it will likely rent quickly and for a good price. If the property is not attracting the attention in the market you'd hoped, perhaps there's something that you could change to entice a tenant?

During the colder months, we are battening down the hatches against the wintery chill, closing all our doors and windows tight and trying to keep warm air in. The cost of living crisis and rising energy bills have led many of us to take the matter into our own hands, trying to improve the efficiency of our homes by adding insulation into the loft spaces or wall cavities.

Buying a new property to live in is an enormous decision. Even so, we will likely spend more time deciding to buy a new sofa or car than a new home. The average property viewing takes just 20 minutes, and the average buyer will view a property only 2 or 3 times before completing the sale and moving in. With such minimal time in a property before agreeing to purchase, these viewing appointments are critical - check out these top tips to make sure you don't miss anything!

If you are considering selling your property, you're most likely hoping that the valuations will come in high. Make sure that you get the highest valuation possible with these tips.

Despite the leading energy providers confirming their record profits recently in the multiple millions, prices of our energy bills are sky-high, and many are struggling through this winter.

What’s stopping you from putting your house on the market in St Neots?

Are you getting ready to put your property on the market? What should you be looking for in this sales pitch? Are there any red flags you should be on high alert to spot?

How often do you switch bank accounts? Or dentists? Or even hairdressers? I expect it's not that often. It is the same for estate agents. Either way, it's possible to change if you are feeling underwhelmed, disappointed or disheartened with the property sale experience. And it is actually easier than you might think.

The property purchasing process can be a rollercoaster, filled with ups and downs. Statistically, 30% of agreed property sales will fall through in the UK. No doubt you will have experienced this at some point or at least know someone else that has.

If you've ever considered moving house before and read blogs about where to start, there is almost always information about decluttering. Why?

Has the idyll of owning your own home been impacted by the recent decrease in homeownership and increase in privately rented households as seen in the 2021 Census?

Among the emotion and turmoil involved in buying and selling a property, finding a property you've fallen in love with, only to make an offer and have it rejected, is heartbreaking. What can you do? Do you have to walk away from the house of your dreams?